John King

John King

Junior Counsel



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Delivering consistent results over thirty odd years, John represents and assists clients in both civil and criminal matters.

Background and Expertise

Numerous testimonials attest to his unrivalled legal and procedural insights and meticulous preparation. John himself credits his success as an advocate to ‘putting the client and their interests first’ as well as being ‘scrupulously factual and realistic’ about the actual strength of the cases brought before him.

His approach in securing the best possible outcome for his clients relies on his ability to accurately formulate the spectrum of likely judicial outcomes. The latter are then used to devise an effective negotiation and advocacy strategy.

Having successfully handled a large number of high-profile and high-value cases, John believes in treating each case, irrespective of its size, with the same forensic precision and painstakingly gathered and expertly analysed detail.

He is one of a small minority of advocates to have taken cases through the entire court system of England as well as the European court structures.

John has recently become a member of the Worshipful Company of Arbitrators. He specialises in Sports Arbitration, cross border trade disputes and alleged breaches of contract in the financial/asset management sectors.

Notable Cases

Bribery and Corruption

R v B, 2015

Defending in multi-handed international fraud case, involving recycling of mobile phones by acquiring cloned packaging from China and distributing them to a number of African countries. The case required detailed cross- examination of mobile telephone experts. A submission of ‘no case to answer’ was successful at the close of the Crown’s case.

Inner London Crown Court
Bribery and Corruption

FK v EM and MN, ongoing

Having failed to succeed in a criminal prosecution against the Defendants for an allegation of modern slavery the Claimant has brought a civil action against a husband and wife who are represented by John.

MDM and CEM, ongoing

John represents the wife in a high net worth divorce case where agreement about cannot be reached as to the division of assets and the court is being requested to make a financial Order.

B and B, ongoing

Grandparent access to grandchildren challenged.

LBB and DBB, 2019

An application by a grandparent for greater access to her grandchildren and costs in relation to previous hearings were resisted.

P v M (Family Case), 2019

John represented the Defendant husband and successfully resisted an application for a non-molestation order and an occupation order following a full hearing. The circumstances where that the Claimant wife had left the family home with the children and sought to have him removed so that she and the children could be reinstated.

J.C and H.T, 2018

John successfully negotiated and drafted a Merchandise Licence Agreement on behalf of Jean Curran, an up and coming Artist. The Agreement was with the Hitchcock Trust and included gaining access to the original Technicolor film reels of the film ‘Vertigo’ for the purposes of creating unique dye transfer prints.

D v Archdiocese of Westminster, 2014

Instructed by Carters solicitors to represent the Archdiocese of Westminster to resist an application under the provisions of the 1998 Data Protection Act.

F v S, 2011–14

Represented the defendant in a property dispute following the break-up of a long relationship. Successfully obtained a significant sum for the defendant. (Direct access case.) Dartford County Court.

L v Minister of Transport, 2012

Challenge at the High Court to the validity of certain types of speed cameras that would, potentially, overturn hundreds of thousands of speeding convictions.

P v S and Q Ltd, 2012

Represented the defendants in a derivative action where fraud was alleged. Following lengthy negotiations a resolution was found which was more than acceptable to the defendants. High Court Chancery Division. (Direct access case)

Financial Crime

R v N, 2017

A large scale money laundering case in which 6 defendants stood trial. The allegation was  the money fraudulently obtained from vulnerable victims in the USA was laundered through a complex web of company bank accounts in the UK.  The defendant was acquitted by the jury.

Central Criminal Court

R v A, 2015

Defending in complex VAT fraud case involving the creation and manipulation of a number of companies. Following protracted negotiations with the Crown, the defendant entered a plea on a very limited basis and received a non-custodial sentence.

Inner London Crown Court

Financial Crime
General Crime

R v PS (ongoing)

Lengthy confiscation matters following the imposition of a confiscation Order in 2016. The Defendant faced custody for his failure to make payments in accordance with a confiscation order. Custody successfully resisted and amount adjusted following a successful assertion of the Defendant’s wife’s interest in two properties.

R v M (ongoing)

Allegation of an attack on the police that raises significant  disclosure issues.

Aylesbury Crown Court

R v JH, 2019

Insurance fraud investigated by the City of London Police following a complaint by the NFU. This was a complex case involving expert veterinary evidence in relation to the pre-condition of a show jumping horse. Following a guilty plea the Defendant received a non-custodial sentence.

Lewes Crown Court


A building company was given a fine of £260,000 in the Chelmsford Magistrates Court following numerous breaches of heath and safety regulations on a building site. Following a full hearing on Appeal and  submissions by Mr King the fine was reduced to £40,000.

Chelmsford Crown Court

R v SA, 2019

The Defendant faced a number of Counts of VAT fraud as a result of failure to pay the correct amount of VAT  over a number of years in relation to her restaurant business. Following negotiations to reduce the level of the alleged fraud and a basis of plea the Defendant was spared custody even though custody threshold was passed.

Grimsby Crown Court

R v PC, 2018

John represented the Defendant in a case of serious historic case of sexual abuse on a child  by a person in a position of authority. A basis of plea was eventually agreed that significantly reduced the potential sentence.

R v S, 2018

This case involved large scale importation of counterfeit goods from China and was prosecuted by Southwark Trading Standards Services in which the Defendant pleaded guilty. Confiscation proceedings were then brought that threatened the closure of the Defendant’s business and the wiping out of his assets. John managed to negotiate a arrangement whereby the Defendant was able to retain his business and gradually paid off the debt.

R v C, 2016

John defended a high-profile allegation concerning the misuse of computers. Non-custodial sentence, following a plea on a limited basis.

Lewes Crown Court


R v S, 2014

A large-scale, sophisticated, nationwide fraud case involving the use of legitimately registered companies to defraud corporations involved in waste disposal. The case began as a conspiracy to defraud. A plea to a substantive offence of fraudulent trading was successfully negotiated – this resulted in a suspended sentence.

Bristol Crown Court

R v H, 2013

‘Cash for crash’ case transferred from Doncaster Crown Court to the Old Bailey because of seriousness and prevalence. Following legal argument and negotiation, the Crown were persuaded to offer no evidence against the defendant following a guilty plea from his co-defendant.

Central Criminal Court

R v D, 2013


The defendant was charged with conspiracy to commit a number of robberies including one at gunpoint. The Crown refused to accept a plea to the least serious robbery, which was offered on the basis that the others would be dropped. Following a trial, he was acquitted of the more serious offences and convicted on the offence originally offered.
Worcester Crown Court


R v D, 2013

Conspiracy to supply cannabis on a commercial basis. An extremely attractive basis of plea was offered by the Crown at the beginning of the trial and rejected with a degree of hesitation. No evidence was offered during the trial when six co-defendants pleaded guilty.

Northampton Crown Court

International Human Rights

R v IA, 2015–16

Successful appeal to the ECHR of one of the most complex terrorism defence cases of the last ten years, the 21/7 London bomb plot. The Grand Chamber of the ECHR found there had been a breach of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. John acted with Anne Faul as his junior throughout.

International Human Rights


  • Great Repeal Bill Observatory, CBA
Activities and Interests
  • John takes in an interest is the political, legal and economic consequences of Brexit – and is a member of the Great Repeal Bill Observatory – a group established by Dr Dimitrios Giannoulopoulos, to act as a channel of communication with Europe in the course of Brexit negotiations
  • He also plays golf; he is a member of Gray’s Inn Golfing Society and The Bar Golfing Society