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Nicholas Truelove

Nicholas Truelove

Door Tenant



"Passionate – he takes on cases others shy away from"

Legal 500


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Having completed pupillage at 9BR Chambers, Nicholas has pursued a practice predominantly based in civil law.

He is ranked in the legal 500 (2019) as a leading junior for personal injury work, and specialises in clinical negligence work. He does however maintain a criminal and regulatory practice and recently (October 2019) secured the first criminal convictions nationally under the new Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) Regulations. 2018.

Background and Expertise

Prior to pupillage, Nicholas worked in the advocacy department of an international law firm.

During and following his pupillage, Nicholas was led by Abbas Lakha KC on several criminal, regulatory, and public law matters. More recently, he has worked as a disclosure junior on the Grenfell Tower Public Enquiry.

During his second-six, Nicholas acted in a wide-range of hearings and trials, principally defending. His trial practice was wide-ranging, involving offences ranging from robbery (including with the use of weapons as an aggravating feature) to sexual assault. Nicholas also has successfully represented Defendants facing driving bans.

Drawing on both his civil and criminal law experience, Nicholas regularly advises and appears before the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority on behalf of victims of crime. He is happy to take instructions to assist those who find themselves in this unfortunate situation on potential avenues of redress.

Nicholas also practises from Kings Chambers, Birmingham.

Notable Cases

General Crime

East Northamptonshire Council v Hockey and 2 Others, 2019

Prosecution for dealing in dogs without a licence.

V v Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, 2018

Appeal against refusal to compensate victim of criminal act who was rendered effectively blind in one eye as a result of the same.

M v R, 2017

Successful appeal against sentence. Crown forced to withdraw the case at the conclusion of cross-examination of their key witness.

Blackfriars Crown Court

R v X, 2017

Successful appeal against sentence.

Court of Appeal

Grenfell Tower Public Enquiry, 2017

Grenfell Tower Public Enquiry, 2017


F v Essex County Council, 2017

Judicial Review challenging the ambit of safeguarding measures taken by a local authority.

High Court


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  • Middle Temple
  • Amnesty International
  • CPS Panel (Grade 1)
  • B.A. (Joint Honours) University of Birmingham
  • LL.B (Honours) University of Birmingham
  • BPTC Kaplan Law School
  • MSc Lincoln College, Oxford University